Friday, January 05, 2007


Well the results for 2 of my 3 courses for this semester (INFO 1400 and 1410) have been released online...and apparently I got As in both courses!!! *dies of heart attack, applies 110V mains to my body to revive myself, gets up and dusts off the stray electrons on my body*.

Now that the results for this course have been determined, this is the true official end of this blog. It's been fun, remember to tip your waitress, the taxi driver, the escort for the nite, whatever floats your boat...thank you and good night (even though it's currently 1:30 pm at the time of posting this, but you should get my drift).

*runs off singing songs that the slugs were singing from Flushed Away*.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Home stretch... I am in SAC, with just about 2 hours left for my final exam for this semester. I hope I'm ready, it will be interesting as to how this exam turns out, but I have confidence in my knowledge...I think... :/

As for the last exam, it was tedious (lots of writing), but I think I passed, and may even have a chance at making at least an A-, but we'll see how things go...either way, depending on how today's exam goes, I think I may have 18 credits in the bag this semester, but I not counting my chickens just yet...

Once this exam is over anyway, I have a half bottle of Cranberry-flavoured vodka with my name on it, so I will definitely be celebrating outside of the exam room! :D

So good luck everybody, hope we pull through with maximum credits for this semester.

I'm outta here.

Friday, December 08, 2006

The Final Countdown...

Well it's just under 4 1/2 hours left to the final exam, so here's to a good performance by myself as well as the rest of the class...

*goes downstairs to play with my new puppy*

See you guys in a while... :)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Start of IT exams...

Well, it's currently about 6:40am, and I'm here in UWI waiting to get some breakfast, so I just decided to wish all of my classmates good luck with their INFO 1405 exam...hopefully we should get through it fine, but still I say a prayer for all of us...

*feels stomach grumble waiting for Subway to open*.

Laters ppl.

Monday, November 27, 2006

The Grey Havens...

Well...on the shores of the Grey Havens...we have come to the end of our journey....

Okay well I guess this is the end of my postings for this I just want to thank Dr. Mohan and Ms. Mohammed for their help through the proceedings of this course. Also, I want to wish good luck to my fellow classmates with their end-of-semester exams. In the meantime, now it's just to round up these last few assignments and as well as revision for our upcoming exams.

So until later on, I'm outta here.

*hears the Breaking of the Fellowship music playing in the background...stupid LOTR stuck in my head from getting to watch it on a projector.*

P.S. Blue sucks, Red rules!!! (ask me what that's about if you care to know!) :)

Monday, November 20, 2006

In-class post, 20/11/2006

Well we're back once more....not too many classes left to write up we're on to the final set of topics for this semester. He also handed back our results for our coursework test...and I got 34/60...*sighs and drops head in shame*...although he then said that the mark is out of 50, not 60...but still :/, 34/50...68%...grrrr *-_-*.

Also, Dr. Mohan gave us some advice, for the final exam, to focus on the core issues with our studies.

IT in other disciplines.

Dr. Mohan spoke about Ms. Giselle Singh's blog, where she spoke about Bio-Informatics, and how IT has a pervasive part to play in such a discipline.


1) Simulate activities with software (e.g. flight simulation etc.).

2) Virtual Field Trips - where a user can 'explore' a location without ever being there in person.

3) Phonics and other educational software.

Software is being increasingly used in education, where it can now supplement the current syllabus being taught in a traditional method. It may not provide the 'real experience', but it can also be used to test situations where it would be prohibitive to reproduce in a real environment, by the cost of currency or human life. Also, using such software can be interactive and stimulating, since it can allow new ways of learning. It also supports independant learning, and indivdualised attention.

The social aspects of learning are such that, in a classroom environment, there may be additional viewpoints that can be shared, but such an example can also be done in an IT environment, such as bulletin boards etc.

There are also facilities such as distance education, e-learning (which involves studying exclusively via the Internet) etc.

We will continue tomorrow, with a further look at e-learning, as well as the I.T infrastructure relating to e-learning as well.

Until then, me out.

Friday, November 17, 2006

In-class post, 17/11/2006

Well we're just about ready to start, I was pleased that some items that I ordered from the US on Tuesday, was able to be delivered to me this morning, they were able to contact me and deliver my package to me on campus...the wonders of IT and facilitating such a system to allow items to be delivered over thousands of kilometres in a matter of days...

Dr. Mohan started with a small discussion about remarking, and how when marking for exams with CXC, how some remarking actually ends up with a lower grade when such exams are remarked, so there is always a risk when it comes to doing remarking with certain areas. When it comes to remarking the projects, I have no problem with the marks, because if that is how it was judged, so be it, we learn from our mistakes and we move on.

Another concern raised in class was with regards to the marking of the blogs...there was a requirement of 20 posts relating to the topics, and also if there was a consistent amount of sufficient work done, then it would be taken into consideration for the marking scheme.

Securing an Information System:

When it comes to detecting criminal activities, it is a case of vigilance, since criminals are often able to keep up with security initiatives that may be in effect.

Some ways of detecting possible criminal activity are:

-By monitoring the network for activity at times where the network shouldn't be in heavy use.

-By the use of Intrusion Detection Software, which can check for user authentication, IP/MAC Address logging etc.

-By audit trails, where checks are made to see what who is accessing specific data.

Well we're done for now, so until Monday.