Tuesday, November 14, 2006

In-class post, 14/11/2006

Well here we are once more, classes for me got kinda messed up, rain made getting to class virtually impossible...so we have to make up for it over the few coming days...

Looking at the impact of I.T on various sections of society:


Facets of I.T can be useful in today's environment, but it can also be of detrimental effect to a person, e.g: anyone can use data mining techniques to source information about a person, by their activities online.

Dr. Mohan then went to posing a question to the class: How would it be if we could go back, before I.T was as prevalent as it is today?

Personally, it's a two-sided coin to me...since without I.T, we would have a slightly greater level of privacy, since it is very easy to go and find information about a person on the Internet, but at the same time, a lot of advancements in business today would not be anywhere near the level of efficiency that we currently achieve.

Knowledge is the backbone of controlling power, and in today's environment, the Internet is a vast area of knowledge to allow a user to glean whatever information they may require.

Well until Thursday, where we continue about discussing with topics related to the impact of I.T.

*sniffs at the evaluation paper and wishes it was food >_<*


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