Thursday, November 09, 2006

In-class post, 09/11/2006

Continuing with Ethics in I.T. (though I reached late - that what happens when you have to head to the airport first... so some points may not be elaborated upon at this point, if anyone wishes to update me for any issues that I missed, feel free to post it in the comments.)

Accountability - When using credit cards for purchases, banks may verify certain purchases, which may be significantly larger than normal, to ensure that someone was not attempting to procure a fraudulent transaction.

The banks have a responsibility to check, to ensure the protection of their customers.

e.g. When a car in the airport was stolen, the airport relinquished responsibility for the car via a notice at the car park, but by paying a fee to park, the airport accepted some liability for the incident, and they had to pay eventually.

Whenever a system is used, controls have to be in place for such issues.

Property - detailing who owns a system (software/data/hardware etc). If an organization has data, and a user takes that data and turns it into information, who is the owner of that information afterwards?

Another point is if an organization has a piece of software, and an employee takes the software home and copies it, can the user make any information created by that software to be available to anyone outside of the organization?

Another example is with UWI, and how they set exams for their courses, some questions are done by extracting questions from text books by other authors, or may be original creations, but then for the exams itself, the University places their copyright on the works itself. If a lecturer leaves the university, can they then use the questions they created for use in exams with other institutions?

Accessibility - Who can access data, I.T, etc.

When determining who can access certain facilities to employees, restrictions have to be placed to ensure that only appropriate users can access specific data (e.g. HR employees may not be able to access Accounting/Payroll data).

ACM Code of Ethics: they determine a code of conduct for each individual within I.T professionals, computer scientists etc.

Well we're off once more, so until tomorrow.


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