Monday, October 16, 2006

In-class post, 16/10/2006

Well once more, time to post, lucky I made it back in time to class, had to go down Westmoorings to get my paycheck, and there was an accident on the highway by Peakes, the passenger side of a panel van had to be cut open when I passed by, so I only *just* made it back in time...

We started off with some discussions about the Project, with the issue as to whether our business had to be started from scratch, or if the business can already be 'in existence'. Ultimately, it came down to the fact that we can choose either, because we should end up with the same issues overall...

Well I missed Friday's class, so I am now hearing that there was some discussion about Computer Ethics, which would have been interesting to say the least. However, he mentioned that we will go more into that topic later on in the course.

So, we are looking back at the definition of Information Systems, which is an application of Information Technology. We then looked into some the definition of a System:

System - a set of components working together to produce some required functionality.

A system is inter-dependent, which works towards a specfic goal.

One example of this is the human body, where if a single component gives any problems, it can cause other problems to the body, so that everything needs to work properly for the body to function effectively.

The facets of an Information System work together to source and process the data, which should lead to better decisions for the business in the long run.

No single Information System can serve for all businesses, so depending on the level of the business that the system is intended to operate, there can be a separate system for them. e.g: for Operational levels, we have Transaction Processing Systems (TPS). As we go up, the system changes i.e: MIS, DSS etc.

A user of an Information System has to be aware of the fact that obstacles can come up from time to time.

We went into some references with the broadcasting of cricket from across the world, where a weakness of satellites is that if there is no direct line of sight, communication cannot occur...thus for this design, a relay layout had to be used for it to work.

Well class is done, I didn't focus too much on today's class... :/ so I will have to make up for it later on....*goes to see what can be done for this dead/stuck pixel on my screen*


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