Sunday, October 22, 2006

Not to be directly counted for the course...

Well, I know that this should not count towards the actual marks, but I still need to say this:

To be down with the flu since Thursday, to spend Divali as well as today, wrapped up in blankets and covered with various oils to help with the fever, this weekend was supposed to be used to help with finishing my part in the group project, as well as to do revision for an exam on Thursday....this is gonna be just dandy! :/

As a result, if any of my classmates get sick over the coming week, I am just apologising in advance, but I can't afford to miss out on any chances for marks, at least I can check the blogs to see what I missed out for this course itself over the past couple of days...

*searches for more ginger to make tea to ease this cold in my throat*

Laters everybody....


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