Monday, October 09, 2006

In-class post, 09/10/2006

Well here I am once more, doing my civic duty in reporting the events from this course of Information Technology Fundamentals....well maybe not my civic duty, but just my course duty anyway...but whatever.

We started with a discussion about our first group project...personally I dislike group projects, I prefer to work alone, but if something needs to be done, so be it, no need to complain, because such activities will only waste time, and at the end of the day, the work still needs to be done.

He then started discussing about hardware and software. Any data we work with must end up interacting with some component of hardware (eg. Hard disks, Optical drives, flash drive, magnetic tape etc.), in terms of data storage. For data collection, hardware devices such as keyboards, sound devices etc. are used. Ultimately however, no matter how things are considered, data needs to be captured before processing can occur, to turn the data into information. For output, hardware devices such as monitors, printers, speakers are used.

Dr. Mohan then diverted slightly, into talking about e-commerce, explaining that a definition of e-commerce was not needed, but the understanding of the term was what was important, and asked students as to what were their favourite e-commerce sites, assuming they used any before of course...

He then went into discussing other hardware components, like for Networking hardware. He related to using the technology using the telephone system, and explaining the system behind making an international call, since it illustrates how one caller can establish communication to the other, similarly to how two computers establish communication and keep data transfer during that time, by explaining the use of copper wires, and how it then connects to other materials capable of faster transmission (e.g. fibre optic), and even how the cable company can do the same with their wires.

He then used the computer network within UWI as an example, as to how all the different computers on the network would be capable of communication on the network. In this case, each area will connect to one main location. With all these devices connected, there must be some way to handle data communication to all of these different locations within this one main location.

Some devices used to handle networking these computers together are routers, switches, hubs, bridges etc.

We thus have to relate to network components, which include also the cabling, the end devices that connect the devices etc, whose overall objective is to ensure data transmission between these connected devices.

In some businesses, ensuring that a network is running is vital, such as banks etc.

He then went into the example of using cell phones, and how a 'line' is made using radio waves when a person makes a call, so that communication between those parties can be made.

Software can be used to interpret data, such that it makes the data actually useful. An example was made using this site, as to how the data can be formatted to make it look fancier than if it was just plain text.

He concluded with the term of "Information System", and how Information Systems consist of hardware, software, networking and data, which are used to manage the data overall. However, the key to Information Systems, is the people who will actually use the system, and make it useful as a result.

Well, that's about it for today, so until tomorrow I believe....time to sleep...



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