Tuesday, September 26, 2006

(insert relevant title here)

Well today's class was okay, we went through some discussions involving data processing, and how the processing of data is required for any organisation to function, relating all the way back to the American-Indian methods of smoke signals.

It was not too enlightening on my part, but still the information was good and we will see how it all ties in with the class on Friday.

He also discussed some areas with regards to ordering items online, and some of the basic procedures that were involved, including the tracking of items. Incidentally, I am in the process of tracking an item as I write this, for a laptop that arrived in Trinidad today, so I hope that it will be delivered soon :).

Well, that's all for now, most likely will have another entry on Friday or thereabouts.


Blogger butterflydrea said...

I want to buy a laptop too. How much did you pay for yours and what are the specs?

7:19 PM  

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